| 1. | There are two major types of infective agents causing meningitis : bacteria e . g 细菌-例如:脑膜炎双球菌流感嗜血杆菌肺炎链球菌 |
| 2. | Immunity the ability of plants and animals to withstand harmful infective agents and toxins 免疫:是动植物抵御外界感染源和毒素侵害的一种能力。 |
| 3. | Protective clothing - performance requirements and test methods for protective clothing against infective agents 防护服.防传染制剂的防护服的性能要求和试验方法 |
| 4. | Protective clothing - performance requirements and tests methods for protective clothing against infective agents 防护服.防传染制剂的防护服的性能要求和试验方法 |
| 5. | Protective clothing - performance requirements and test methods for protective clothing against infective agents ; german version en 14126 : 2003 防护服.防传染制剂的防护服的性能要求和试验方法 |
| 6. | The infective agent is present in the tears and discharge , which may then contaminate the sufferers belongings like handkerchief , basin , towel , eyedrops or toys . other people may get the disease if he she comes into contact with these objects 患者的眼部分泌物,可以透过患者的手或用过的物品,例如手帕毛巾面盆眼药各种用具或玩具等,把疾病传播至别人的眼睛。 |
| 7. | The infective agent is present in the tears and discharge , which may then contaminate the sufferers belongings like handkerchief , basin , towel , eyedrops or toys . other people may get the disease if heshe comes into contact with these objects 患者的眼部分泌物,可以透过患者的手或用过的物品,例如手帕、毛巾、面盆、眼药、各种用具或玩具等,把疾病传播至别人的眼睛。 |
| 8. | Method : put these things into - boiling water for 15 - 20 minutes to ensure complete eradication of the infective agents . - used tissue paper should be properly disposed of into litterbin or flushed down the toilet . - keep the hands clean , not to rub the eyes with fingers , and not to share eyedrops or cosmetics with others 应将患者使用过的毛巾洗面用具及接触过患者眼部分泌物的物件消毒,方法是把这些用品放入自己的锑盆内,加入清水把用品盖过,然后放在炉上煲至水滚,持续15 - 20分钟,这样才可把细菌消灭,以免蔓延。 |